Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Break

I am off. For one week I have no classes or work. Better yet, I won't be on campus for a week and will have real food. And oh, it shall be glorious! The following is a list of things that I plan to do over spring break.

  1. Sleep.
  2. Work on a seven paged story for my creative writing class
  3. Sleep.
  4. Write a two paged Christian Worldview paper over any chapter I choose from The Reason for God.
  5. Sleep. With my cat.
  6. Outline and write a draft of a full (most likely two act) play for my theatre class. 
  7. Sleeeeeeeeeep
  8. Read Charles Dickens and a bunch of poems for my British and American literature classes. Plus a short story for creative writing class and a handout,  and a chapter from another text book for Christian Worldview.
  9. Curl up in bed with a non-college book and a cat, and eat chocolate till I fall into a sugar comma and sleep the whole day away.
  10. Iron and model my medieval dress as my little sister requested and let her play with her camera. She wants to try human photography and all she's had to work with so far are the cats and a teddy bear. One cat kept photo bombing Teddy's photo shoot.
  11. Walk laps around the yard until I collapse, or the cat following me starts panting through his black fur. If I'm out in the yard, Grendel insists on being there with me, alternating between guarding me from the other cats and showing off.
  12. Invite Batman and a mutual friend of ours over for an evening and/or an afternoon.
  13. Most importantly, the assignment my Christian Worldview professor has been stressing to us for weeks now (and I've barely done any of it). Rest: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual rest. I guess we're all getting bags under our eyes because he really does seem concerned about how much sleep and relaxation time we're all getting.

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